Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Clock watching

I'm tired, life is fairly dull these days, but I can't think of how to change it in this current economic climate, twenty-four and on the dole is not where I thought I'd be at this stage, I just applied for a crap job with paddy powers, a step up from penneys me thinks, I like the way under title Dr is one of the options, emigration is a distinct possibility, I'm turning into one of those people I use to resent just living for the weekends, I need to change my mentality, if that's even possible, I think you are, who you are though, morals, standards and the like are holding me back, promiscuous problem drinkers seem to have a lot more fun than me, I'm watching the wrestler, seen a bit of doggy and remembered just how much I miss that sacred act with the opposite sex, damn, seven months on Thur, standards don't apply anymore, disgusts me to say, I might go out on my own tomorrow, be my dirty little secret, God knows I have enough of them.

That killed about 10mins, thanks blogging, I might keep this up.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up. And I miss sex too, but its outweighed by my fear of chlamydia and the connection between casual intercourse and said STI. You fight the good fight for both of us.
