I'm so fucking bored, if anybody can think of anything they find remotely interesting and stumbles across here could you link me? even for future reference.
Shows like the inbetweeners and skins, well the only two examples I can think of. But at 26, I just think I should be watching fraiser and seinfield repeats or even shows like 24, I just think there's something weird about anyone under, say about 22 or so watching these shows, can't put my finger on why exactly, guess I'm a bit ageist, i'm also incredibly bored though, shouldn't have had that power nap.
A bit too broad, but I mean facebook or twitter, I had a look when over in a girlfriends house the other day, i'm a bit slow in catching onto anything, guys I know ask girls one of the first questions when there trying to get stuck in, "are you on facebook" that seems weird to me, a bit of a cop out as it requires less balls than asking for a phone number, but she was on it the whole time I was there, which I just thought, well didn't think, it is rude, something intrusive about it, and i'd rather live without I think. Telling people what sort of sandwhich your about to have and having comment after comment about it, each less funny than the last, I don't want to sound snooty, but it just seems really really shit, at least there's the odd interesting story on blogs, but there's about 7 people I actively maintain contact with, so it's just uncessesary, I don't even like texting, so ...."meh" I guess, maybe one day when i'm bored lonely and all my friends have married off.